Details need attention during the card personalized production process

1. Code position (flat code, convex code) or photo location need to avoid the chip position, otherwise it will be fail or missing. If you need convex code, please avoid the coil position

2. Tips of convex code

High speed automatic HLD-S, can only print serial number or skip the number like 4 or 7 . It can't print messy code, and it can only print in horizontal version, cann’t in vertical version. The small convex height is 3mm, the large convex height is 5mm, the size of the small and large convex clearance are 0.9mm, the print quantity of the small and large convex maximum are 19. It can print Numbers, and special characters in English capital letters (". "/" "" -" "RMB"). You can only print "NO." instead of "NO:";The position of the convex code shall not be too marginal, and the top, bottom, left and right margins shall be ≥5mm. In particular, if the margin between the top and bottom exceeds this, the machine will be damaged by hitting the top and bottom track .

NBS HLD-S can print multiple lines of running Numbers and random code. The print quantity of small convex is 29, large convex is 22. The top, bottom, left and right margins shall be ≥5mm. Totally 54 characters, including the capital letters: a-z, total of 26. Small Numbers 0-9,total of 10. Special symbols:., '-/&(), a total of 8; Large Numbers: 0-9, a total of 10.Maximum rows: 11 rows.

3. Completely transparent or translucent card can print flat code, laser code, but can not spray code and UV code;

4.The barcode printing color should not be the same as the card base color. (For example:Card base is black color , barcode printing color can be white ,but not black.)

5. Special-shaped card: double card (one standard card and one small card). If you want to print two barcode, the span of two codes is within the range of a standard card (86mm), you can use P310 printer to complete in one time. if exceed 86mm, you need to print twice.The 200e printer cannot print the special shape card. If the width and length are non-standard shaped card, you can not use the card printer to print barcode, can only spray code, spray UV code, laser code (the widest can play 108mm shaped card);

6.About the chip card, if only print the general chip code, as long as indicate the chip code format, personalized workshop can directly process the printing.

7.Smooth surface card can be done above all code. Dumb face card can only do spraying code, UV spraying code, laser code, convex code, do not recommend flat code. Frosted card can only do UV spraying code, laser code, convex code. Paper cards can only do spraying code.

8.About write magnetic: international standard ISO7811/2, three tracks in total:

The first track has a capacity of 79 characters, starting with "%" and ending with "?", with the start, end and separator removed, only 76 characters can actually be written. The characters that can be written are as follows:!"#$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_

The second track has a capacity of 40 characters, starting with ";"The closing sign is "?", remove the start, end, and separator Character, actually can only write 37 characters, can write the following characters:0123456789:<=>

The third track has a capacity of 107 characters, starting with "+" and ending with "? "., with the start, end and separator removed, only 104 characters can actually be written. The characters that can be written are as follows:0123456789:<=>

9.Special materials:A, key chain can only do spraying code. B. If the PET material without laminating film, it can only do spraying code or convex code. If it is coated with laminating film, it can be used as regular card.

10.Barcode card data note:

(1) the data length of EAN8 bar code including the check code is 8 bits, the data provided by the customer can be 7 bits (the last bit check code is automatically generated in processing), also can be 8 bits (but the last bit should be the check code calculated according to the previous 7 bits).Can only be the first 7 data is the stream number;

(2) the length of EAN13 bar code data including the length of the check code is 13 bits, the customer data can be 12 bits, can also be 13 bits (but the last 1 bit should be based on the previous 12 bits of the calculation of the check code).Only the first 12 bits of data is a stream number.

(3) The data length of UPC-A barcode including the check code is 12 bits, the customer can provide 11 data;

(4) Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode data length must be an even number of bits, if the data is an odd number of bits, bar code data will be automatically preceded by 0.

11.The UV printing machine: can spray Numbers, English, text and common symbols, can set the font, no font size, but can adjust the size, the width of the nozzle is 36mm theoretical value, but can only spray 34mm (bar code standing height).

12.Printing machine: can spray Numbers, English, and common symbols, can not set the font, no font size, but can adjust the size. The maximum height of the barcode is 7mm.If two lines are sprayed, the spacing of the two lines is 2mm or 7.5mm, other spacing is not sprayed

13.Laser machine: can spray the number, English, and common symbols, can not set the font, no font size, but can adjust the size

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