Do you know what the vector graphics are

November 15,2021

The pattern is very important to print a perfect card. If the pattern that customer provided is in a wrong format or at a low resolution, then the pattern is easy to get fuzzy! Generally, it’s perfect to provide vector graphics for printing. So let’s learn about what the vector graphics are.

There are mainly two types of images: vector graphics and bitmap.

Vector graphics consist of points, which form lines, and lines then form shapes. The graphic elements in vector files are called objects. Each object is an entity, which has attributes such as color, shape, outline, size and position.

A bitmap is composed of individual dots of pixels (picture elements). These dots could be arranged and colored differently to form the pattern. When the bitmap is enlarged, the individual squares could be seen which make up the entire image.

What are the characteristics and features of each of them?

Independent of the resolution, vector graphics are characterized by the fact that the image won’t be distorted when enlarged, which and are suitable for graphic design, text design and some logo design, layout design, etc. Vector graphics are drawn by Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, its common formats are ai, cdr, eps.

Bitmap is characterized by the ability to show color changes and subtle transitions in color, producing a realistic effect, with the disadvantage that the picture will be distorted when enlarged. Bitmaps are created using the drawing tools that come with Windows and the professional image processing software Photoshop. Its common formats are psd, jpg, png.

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